Posts Tagged ‘medicinal marijuana’

Growing Marijuana? Get The Secrets of the West Coast Masters

Do you grow medical marijuana? Would you like to have more of it? Ounces are for amateurs, according to Dru West, author of The Secrets of the West Coast Masters. West wants to teach you how to yield a pound per plant — indoors.

The West Coast Masters are medical marijuana growers and patients from California, Oregon and Washington state. After researching the leading cannabis cultivation techniques from around the world, including bonsai and tomato horticulture, they developed what they call the “ultimate techniques” for growing medicinal marijuana.

“Throughout the mountains and valleys of the US West Coast resides a secret society of master growers who are producing marijuana of unbelievable yields and potency,” we’re told on the cover of this $34.99 hardback. “While most growers are content with a yield of two ounces per plant, these West Coast Masters consistently yield over a pound, and in some cases over two pounds, all while staying within the limits of their
medical marijuana programs.”

Video of the Day: NORML PSA, Do You Know Where Your Police Are?

International Cannabis & Hemp Expo Coming To Oakland!

International Cannabis & Hemp Expo 3International Cannabis & Hemp Expo 3



Saturday & Sunday, September 3rd and 4th

Oakland, Ca. – Cannabis activist and CEO of the International Cannabis & Hemp Expo (INTCHE) Kim Cue is proud to announce that the 2011 expo will be held out in the open on the streets of downtown Oakland on Saturday and Sunday, September 3rd and 4th from 12pm-8pm.  The area between 14th St., Clay St. and San Pablo Ave including Ogawa Park will be blocked off for this celebration of education, awareness, and advancement of the cannabis movement.  Located directly in front of City Hall will be the designated  “215 Area” for patients to medicate. INTCHE was the first event to have an approved onsite medicating area for patients, and it was the first to bring the cannabis community together with the hemp industry to educate the general public on the 2 related plants and their individual benefits to the populace.  Since the debut of the first INTCHE, many other producers have created events to try to capitalize on the emerging industry – but without a solid agenda of professionalism, education and advancement of the political movement for patients of medical cannabis.

The agenda for the 2-day event includes speaker’s panels debating current cannabis and hemp issues.  One of those will be a discussion of the upcoming 2012 initiative to put legalization on the ballot in California.  This topic holds significance because Colorado and Washington State have already put plans in motion to put it on the 2012 ballot as well.  Historically initiatives have a greater chance of passing in presidential election years and when they have 60% support going into the race.  Colorado is already at 80% approval.   Passage of legalization propositions in any or all of these states will force a showdown with the Feds over States’ rights.  The Gallup National Poll in October of 2010 showed 46% of Americans now would vote for full legalization, and that number continues to grow.

In addition to the panels there will be over 300 vendors with information about how to obtain a recommendation for medical use, new products, growing techniques, locations of dispensaries, etc.  There will be live entertainment and a complimentary hash bar in the 215 Area.  A variety of food and nonalcoholic beverages will be available at the event.  Surrounding restaurants and bars outside the event will be open for business.

Judges who have purchased the $300 VIP ticket will receive a SWAG Bag with over 320 samples the week prior to the event.  This will include 120 strains of cannabis, 40 hashes, 40 oils, 40 waxes, and a variety of edibles.  The VIP ticket includes 2 days all access, a catered buffet including an array of cannabis infused foods, live entertainment on a private stage in the tented VIP area, a celebrity meet and greet, vapor lounge, and 2 hash bars. A limited number of these tickets are being offered.  Over 50% of these have already been sold.   These tickets are only available at:  Angels Care in San Jose, Sonoma Patients Group in Santa Rosa, and 7 Stars in El Sobrante.  Judges will cast their ballot at the event and winners will be announced at 4:20pm on Sunday.

Up to date information and advance ticket sales are available at

Elderly Couple Accidentally Receives 5-Pound Marijuana Brick

Elderly Couple Accidentally Receives 5-Pound Marijuana Brick

April 26, 2011 News

Police in Delaware County are investigating a case where an elderly couple became the accidental recipients of a five-pound brick of marijuana, mistakenly delivered to the couple’s home last week.

Police are attempting to track down the origin of the illegal substance, which they say UPS delivered.

The package had been addressed to someone whose name they did not recognize, but the old couple decided to open the package anyway. That’s when they found pot inside and called the police.

Police superintendent Michael Chitwood described the marijuana as “high quality,” worth about $22,000 on the street. He says that these deliveries were more common than most people think.

“During the course of a year, we’ll probably get anywhere from six to ten of these types of things,” he said.

Benefit Event Set For Fired Walmart Medical Marijuana Patient

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Photo: Joseph Casias
Cancer patient Joseph Casias, former Employee of the Year at Walmart: “I just don’t understand why it is so bad to use something that helps me and many others who suffer with illnesses and pain”

​Once in awhile, corporate America commits such a glaring injustice that people are sickened by the inhumanity of it. Such was the case last year when a Michigan Walmart fired its former Employee of the Year, Joseph Casias, after he showed up positive for marijuana on a routine drug test — despite the fact that he is a seriously ill cancer patient legally using medical cannabis on the recommendation of his physician.

Casias, 30, who has an inoperable brain tumor, was sacked by the Battle Creek Walmart after he failed a routine urine screen following a workplace injury. And despite a chorus of nationwide protest, the corporate behemoth stuck by its heartless decision and eventually prevailed in court after a judge upheld the dismissal.
Casias said that he only used marijuana after his work shift, and never used on the job. He tried cannabis after his oncologist suggested it.

Photo: Joseph Casias
Joseph was Associate of the Year at his Walmart store — until they fired him for being a legal medical marijuana patient.
​ He went to work every day during his five years at Walmart. “I gave them everything,” Casias said. “One hundred and ten percent every day. Anything they asked me to do, I did. More than they asked me to do. Twelve to 14 hours a day.”
Joseph’s attorneys, including a team from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), said that his firing undermined Michigan’s medical marijuana law, and forced patients to choose between jobs and medicine.
His case attracted so much attention that it influenced the writing of medical marijuana laws in places like Arizona, where an initiative including workplace protection for cannabis patients was approved last November.
But meanwhile, Joseph Casias, a family man, is still out of a job in Michigan’s grim economy. Walmart last year even tried (unsuccessfully) to deny him his unemployment benefits.
“I just don’t understand why it is so bad to use something that helps me and many others who suffer with illnesses and pain,” Casias said in a Facebook note. “Why would you not want to help people who are suffering with high levels of pain? Where is the compassion for your fellow man?”
“Medical marijuana helps me and a lot of others, and I am grateful for every person who helps sick patients with their medicine and information on medical marijuana, because without people like them I would not know what I know today,” Casias said.
“I am encouraged by others’ fights to stand up for this medicine and our right to use this as such,” Casias said. “I want to say thank you, thank you for helping the sick … Thank you for all your support and love. I only hope that one day people would see that this is a medicine and it does help.”
“To all of the medical marijuana patients, I love you. I care, and there are a lot of others who do as well,” Casias said. “Together we need to work as one to show others that this is a medicine, that it does help a lot of very sick people who are only trying to live the best life they can.”
It’s time for the medical marijuana community to pitch in and help one of our own.
Great Lakes Compassion Benefit For Joseph Casias
A three-day Great Lakes Compassion Benefit for Joseph Casias has been set for Friday, September 16 through Sunday, September 18, at Lucky Lake Campground, 3977 West Wilke Road, Montague, Michigan.
Birds Eye Lucky Lake.jpeg
Photo: Lucky Lake Campground
Enjoy beautiful natural surroundings while supporting a good cause.
​ A beautiful 180-acre campground which has a 40-acre private lake has been secured for the event. Weekend passes with camping will be available as well as single day passes for Saturday, September 17 only.
“I feel this event is important for so many reasons, it is hard to know where to start,” organizer Clark Nienhuis told Toke of the Town. “First off, Walmart failed to do the right thing. What does it say when a man gets sick, he has no right to employment if his treatment includes medical marijuana?”
“Joseph was not looking for a free ride or the easy way out,” Nienhuis said. “He was working while being sick, not sitting home on a pity pot. Joseph, as any good husband and father, only wants to provide for his family.”
Photo: Clark Nienhuis
​ “Let us not forget, before his testing positive, he was awarded Associate of the Year for the store he worked at,” Nienhuis said. “So Joseph came through when Walmart needed him, but when Joseph needed Walmart, they kicked him to the curb.”
“This event is also to show that medical cannabis patients are, in fact, kind, loving, hard-working members of this nation and that we do care,” Nienhuis said. “The government has fed a propaganda campaign portraying cannabis users as lost souls who have no morals, integrity, work ethics or even capable of love and compassion.”
“We would like to remind voters why they voted YES on Proposal 1 in 2008,” Nienhuis said, referring to the initiative through which voters legalized medical marijuana in Michigan. “I feel the road to ending cannabis prohibition is through education and compassion.”
“We will have guest speakers, and vendors with arts, crafts, grow room supplies, head shop items and much more,” Nienhuis told me. “I do anticipate a great time to be had for everyone who attends. This is a great opportunity to meet good people and get to know them on a personal level. l
Ticket prices will include a donation for Joseph. Event ticket prices will be announced soon and “will be reasonable,” according to event organizers.
Lucky Lake is a private lake and fishing is allowed without a fishing license, but is “catch and release” only. A fishing contest is anticipated; bring your fishing poles and cameras to take pictures of your catches, because you will be required to release them.
The site is still quite warm in September, so bring a swimsuit, along with a raft or inner tube, and relax in the clean, sandy-bottom lake. Water volleyball nets are set up on the beautiful sand bar on one side of the lake.
Most campsites are along the shoreline. Picnic tables and fire rings are on the campsites. The beach area has grills and picnic tables, as well as some hammocks in the pines overlooking the beach.
Items will be raffled, including a 1000-watt HPS light system, patient certification/recertification (must have qualifying medical condition), grow supplies and many other items. All proceeds from the raffles will go to Joseph Casias.
The event is looking for sponsors, vendors, bands, comedians, arts/crafts, industrial hemp products, and event committee members. If you’re interested and would like to participate, you can “Like” the event’s page on Facebook and contact the organizers.
Here’s How You Can Help
1. Please help promote this benefit for Joseph (i.e. email, word of mouth, Facebook, etc).
2. All suggestions for fundraising ideas for Joseph are welcome and appreciated.
3. Donations for door prizes.
4. Donations for the pig roast are needed. A pig roaster, pig, plastic ware, paper products and additional accompanying items as needed.
5. A web page designer is needed. The web page will provide details regarding the event and allow those who cannot attend to donate online to Joseph.
6. Volunteers are needed for the fishing contest, pig cooking, and for the door prizes.
7. Individual or Business financial sponsorship to help cover expenses.
8. Vendors (foods, artists, crafts).
9. Bands that will perform free-of-charge.
If you can help, please email Clark Nienhuis at

Collateral Damage in the Marijuana Wars: Patients Who Travel

Collateral Damage in the Marijuana Wars: Patients Who Travel

July 27, 2011


Marijuana patients are being detained and/or arrested at airports and in their cars for transporting their medical Cannabis.  To a patient, or any rational person, the intent of the law seems clear, which is to allow a patient to travel with their medicine, whether Oxycontin or Cannabis. Unfortunately, the Hawaii`i Narcotics Enforcement Division (NED), police, prosecutors and at least some judges don’t see it that way, and they are enforcing the law as harshly as they can.

The issue of inter-island travel is important for Big Island residents, as we make up about 60% of medical Cannabis patients state-wide. Almost all major medical procedures (chemotherapy, surgery, dental work, etc.) take place on Oahu, and without dispensaries, patients must smuggle their medicine, take risks buying it on the black market, or do without it.

In my own personal experience, back in 2007 I talked to a TSA agent at Kona airport, who informed me that I could either declare the Cannabis at the beginning, or pack it, and then produce my “blue card” if they found it. I decided to see what would happen. I put my medicine, pipe, grinder and lighter in an opaque (hemp) bag, placed my blue card on top, placed it in a coin tray and then onto the conveyor belt. It passed through, and I picked things up on the other end…I was shocked, surprised and thrilled! On the return leg, I put the kit into my carry-on bag on the top. Again, it sailed through the x-ray machine without incident. I tried the same thing on two more trips to Oahu during 2007, all with the same result.

Then, on Christmas Day 2007 on my way to Oahu to visit a friend, the world had changed. The TSA staff all looked like they had just arrived from the mainland, they ignored the “blue card” and pulled me out of line. They called airport security, which is really all they can do. The rent-a-cop threatened me with arrest and said the DEA would be taking me away in hand cuffs. The “DEA” never showed up, so the rent-a-cop confiscated my medicine and let me catch my flight. The following day a Hawai’i County vice squad officer called me and asked that I come in for questioning. I was actually going off island, and told the officer I would call when I returned, as I wanted to have a lawyer with me. The officer said fine, and that was the last I heard about it.

In the ensuing few years I had often received second hand accounts of similar events, but never spoke directly to patients who had gone though a similar experience. It has only been in the past year that I have been able to finally talk with others, and learn what exactly has been going on. The following is based on six patients, all of whom had problems on the Big Island. I think it very likely this happens on other islands, but I have not been able to confirm it.

The Federal government does not own the airports, and is not in charge of security at them. The TSA is indeed a Federal agency, but they do not have the power to arrest anyone. Their main concern is things that will bring harm to the aircraft or passengers, such as guns, knives and bombs. They can pull someone out of line for other contraband, but all they can do is detain the person, and call for LOCAL law enforcement. There is also a Federal Aviation Administration regulation (91.19) which allows for carriage of marijuana if…”authorized by or under any Federal or State statute or by any Federal or State agency.” (see attached)

There are private security guards at each check point, and although they carry guns, they are unable to arrest anyone. They are usually retired law enforcement officers, and while some are nice, others are not. They may threaten you, or try to get free information, but you are under no obligation to tell them anything. They will contact the police or sheriff.

Thus far, the police have been releasing patients caught with small quantities of medicine (but of course they confiscate it) and arresting those with larger amounts. The patients being released are charged later by the Hawai’i County Prosecuting Attorney. So, despite all the “Federal government controls the airports” rhetoric, every patient (thus far) has been charged and tried in Hawai’i state court, not Federal. (There’s also the 10th Amendment, in which states are not required to enforce Federal law or prosecute people for engaging in activities prohibited by Federal law.)

Attached (here, here and here) is a copy of a memo from the Alameda County Corporation Counsel to the Sheriff’s Department, which oversees security at Oakland International Airport. It directs the Sheriff to follow California state law if they encounter a patient traveling with medicine and a valid recommendation. I understand that similar procedures are followed at San Francisco, San Jose and Los Angeles airports, but I have not seen anything in writing. I have tried to get Hawai’i County Corporation Counsel Lincoln Ashida to issue a similar memo, but he has simply referred me back to the Narcotics Enforcement Division, who of course stonewalled me. Ms. Jodie Maesaka-Hirata, the director of the Department of Public Safety has also refused to help out.

Patients with less than one ounce have been charged with “promotion of a detrimental drug in the 3rd degree” and those with more than one ounce have been charged in the 2nd degree. For some reason, the Hawai’i Revised Statutes uses the term “promotion of” to include/mean “possession.” Promotion in the 3rd degree, a petty misdemeanor, has a maximum sentence of 30 days in jail, and the trial is before a judge, not a jury. The maximum sentence in 2nd degree cases is one year, and is eligible for a trial by a jury of one’s peers. (But, thus far, no case has gone before a jury.)

The Hawai’i Medical Cannabis Program was passed in 2000, and was the first one done by a state legislature (California’s Prop 215 had been passed by voters in 1996). Although the intent of the legislature would seem clear, the law is poorly written and is being interpreted and enforced in the narrowest possible way, to the detriment of patients state-wide.

The argument being made by the prosecutors (and NED) and which was upheld in Judge Florendo’s court in Kona is as follows. The first part of the law (329-121) defines the “medical use” of marijuana to include the “transportation of.” The second part of the law (329-122) defines where you cannot have “medical use” of marijuana, which includes any “other place open to the public.” The law itself makes no distinction between using (smoking) and simply transporting it. (And, in these cases, the medicine was not open to the public until the TSA pulled it into view.)

There were two cases in Hilo that were dismissed by Judge Takase, who ruled that the law was so vague, no one (patients, police or prosecutors) could properly interpret it. The Hawai’i County Prosecuting Attorney has appealed the ruling. The defendant who was found guilty by Judge Florendo is also appealing. The ACLU has joined the fray and submitted an amicus brief on behalf of the patients. A ruling is expected eventually (it may take one year.). Perhaps the loser will appeal to the state Supreme Court, and it may take even longer to get a final, clear interpretation.

The narrow interpretation is also being applied to patients transporting their medicine in cars, and in effect restricts a patient to being at home (or going to/from their caregiver). This is unreasonable and unacceptable, and we will continue to work to find a remedy.

If you are a patient and are traveling by car, my advice is to put your medicine in the trunk. (If you don’t have a trunk, then lock it in the glove box.) Also, do not smoke in your car.

Finally, know your rights. There are two excellent DVDs produced by the group Flex Your Rights ( “Busted” and “10 Rules for Dealing with Police” (which is newer). There are free versions on YouTube or you can order them on line. Know your rights and try to exert them. It may come down to your word against that of the police officer, but you must know what to expect, and these videos are worth watching.

If you are a patient and have been detained, arrested and/or prosecuted for traveling with your medicine (either in your car or at the airport) I would like to hear from you. Please contact me at:

MTV’s True Life: I’m In The Marijuana Business

MTV’s True Life: I’m In The Marijuana Business

This episode of True Life recently aired on MTV:

Ashes, Chris, Gemma and Pa are young people whose lives revolve around the business of marijuana. Although passionate about their unorthodox professions, these entrepreneurs’ dealings with weed threatens some of their closest relationships.

I don’t know that I completely agree with the cast choosen for this episode. I would like to have seen a variety of established Medical Marijuana Business workers/owners rather than these grassroots start up ventures.

Ashes is your typical household pot dealer, I don’t see anything legitimate about her “business” and for this reason I feel that featuring her as someone ‘in the marijuana business’ has a negative effect on the fight for legalization. It would have been more beneficial to highlight the work of a Budtender at a medical marijuana dispensary.

Chris is working towards his goal of being a grower/vender for medical cannabis dispensaries by going to Oaksterdam University. A word of warning, just because you go to and or graduate from Oaksterdam doesn’t mean you will be granted a spot in the marijuana industry. Since the business is still very much a legal grey area, established dispensaries may tend to keep their operations tight knit.


Alameda Sheriffs Raid Paraplegic Patients Garden and Threaten To Kill His Dog

Jason ‘RoLLaJaY’ Rivera (center in wheelchair)

Image via Examiner

I was fortunate to meet Jason Rivera aka RoLLaJaY at the SF Medical Cannabis Cup, and my heart goes out to him during time of trouble. No medical marijuana patient should have to go through torment of having their medicine raided let alone be threatened with the killing of their dog! This past Thursday, Alameda County Sheriffs said they acted on an ‘anonymous tip’ when they executed the warrant on Jason’s studio.

As sheriffs executed the warrant at the studio, one asked Rivera about searching his home.  Rivera says the deputy threatened to kill his dog if he didn’t cooperate.  “We can do this the easy way and you can take us to your house to look around,” Rivera recounts the deputy saying, “or we can detain you for six hours while we get a warrant and go to your house and shoot your dog.”

This is an absurd misuse of power, and I think Russ Belville really hit the nail on the head when he said: “This threat is nothing more than emotional terrorism by our domestic police force to trample a disabled man’s Fourth Amendment rights in a crusade over a plant.”

The threatening or killing of family pets isn’t a new tactic for law enforcement during these types of raids, one example being the video from a raid in Columbia, MO in which a man’s dog was shot seven times. It sickens me deeply to know that the people appointed to protect us are the ones dealing the damage, we need to really make our voices heard in this fight for legalization in hopes of keeping harmless patients and medical marijuana providers safe.

Bong Of The Day: Porsche Hookah?

We all know Porsche for designing super fast, super expensive, super sexy cars but apparently they are now making bongs high end hookahs. This bad boy is dubbed, “Shisha.”  They can’t really come out and call this a bong because obviously some people may not like it. Instead they make it sound like they are selling you one of their amazingly designed cars.

The extraordinary Porsche Design Shisha combines high-quality materials such as aluminium, stainless steel and glass with the timeless and unique design approach of the luxury brand. Puristic and stylish at the same time. The Porsche Design Shisha is made in Germany and stands at a height of 55 centimetres. It only shows a discreet branding on the aluminium top of the Shisha and comes with a long flexible tube made out of TecFlex material, which is also used for the classic Porsche Design TecFlex writing tools.

The Shisha stands almost 2 feet tall (55 cm), and is made of glass and aluminum. It also features a “long flexible tube” made from Porsche’s custom TecFlex material. This thing is all kinds of badass. I will do my best to follow up on this and make sure I can get one to review for you guys. I will also let you know where you can purchase. Keep an eye out and stay high.

Marijuana DOESN’T Cause Brain Damage: We Already Knew That Though
